About Us

The OLSPS Group Is An International Market-Leading Data Specialist With Expertise In:

Our Team


Years of











OLSPS Mission

OLSPS Strives To Empower And Inspire Organisations To Work At The Highest Level Of Effciency By Capitalising On The Latest Predictive Analytics And Machine Learning Technological Advancements.

The OLSPS group is constantly growing by increasing number of distribution partners all around the world.

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Our Current partners can be found in the following countries:



The OLSPS Groups Clients Are Found In Most Industries That Include But Are Not Limited To:

Areas of Olsps Group expertise

Mathmatical Statistics

Data Mining

Systems Architecture

Predictive Analytics

Database Design

Text Mining

Machine Learning

Enterprise Level Integration

Database Adminstration

Deep Learning

Project Management


Mathematical modelling

Data Management

Fisheries Management


Dr Amos Barkai graduated in 1981 with a B. Sc. from Tel Aviv University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1987, focusing on the population dynamics and predator-prey interactions in benthic populations. His Ph.D. work, which was published in Science Magazine, has been aired by the BBC, and is a regular feature in Marine Ecology textbooks.

During 1988 he participated in the first scientific diving expedition to Marion Island. Dr Barkai received the Oceania group prize for the best scientific publication based on his Ph.D. research on a marine topic. In 1989, Dr Barkai received the “South African Foundation for Research and Development Award” for distinguished postdoctoral scientists.

Together with Dr Mike Bergh, he has consulted extensively for various clients, focusing in particular on analytical work with complex data sets and the development of specialised commercial database and analytical solutions.

Dr Mike Bergh graduated with a B. Sc. Chemical Engineering (First Class Hons) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1979. In 1986, he obtained his PhD. at UCT in Applied Mathematics. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California in Berkeley (1987) and the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington (1988, 1989) and published on demographic models and statistical experimental design.

Dr Bergh lectured a Master’s course in quantitative techniques applied to living renewable resource management at UCT before initiating the Fisheries Management Consulting divisions of OLSPS Marine with Dr Amos Barkai. Dr Bergh has experience and expertise in a number of branches of multivariate statistics, data mining and predictive analytics.

He is involved in the development of mathematical methods for optimisation procedures. During 18 years of collaboration, Drs Bergh and Barkai have worked on numerous projects and have published hundreds of technical papers and received a Development Award for distinguished postdoctoral scientists.


Jana Strauss
Graphic Designer & Digital Artist

Jacques Kovacs
Technical Assistant

Anneliza Hanekom
Admin Manager

Fatima Felaar
Senior Programmer

Marishe Thomas
Debtors Clerk

Zen-Mari van Staden
Data Science Team Manager

Tyler Donaldson
Lead Data Scientist

Bradley Khumalo
Data Modeller and Support

Gerda Otto

Jean Ross

Nicky Hutcheson
Personal Assistant

Cheryl Wintle

Tinashe Mamombe

Software Developer

Sheila Mofokeng

Data Scientist


Laura Freeman

Head: Growth & Development

Yolanda Nkala

Data Scientist